Change isn’t always good but sometimes it is necessary. Sometimes it is for the better.
Sometimes you have to lose to learn how to be better.
You have to fall to pick yourself up.Maybe it’s finally time for a change.
Happy Voting Malaysians ?? #GE14
— Typical Malaysian (@TypicalMsian) May 8, 2018
I’m in Oxford and I just got my postal vote TODAY. SPR – you've denied MANY the right to vote. You’ve WASTED taxpayer money on postal votes that didn't even arrive on time. Incompetency or tampering- either is still oppression and YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. @GlobalBersih #GE14 pic.twitter.com/OMZnrdNKe8
— Jannah Jailani (@jannahjailani) May 8, 2018
Both parties know how important public holiday is to Malaysians.
If PH wins, public holiday on Thursday and Friday.
If BN wins, public holiday next Monday and Tuesday.But let's not vote for two days of holiday because GE15 will be 5 years away. #GE14
— Typical Malaysian (@TypicalMsian) May 8, 2018
No matter who wins today, hold their feet to the fire. Hold them to account for every promise, every word they said. Our job doesn’t stop today, it never does. Don’t forget. Always be vigilant. Always participate. It always matters. #GE14
— Mifzal Mohammed (@mifzalmohd) May 9, 2018
Hint untuk hari ini ? #GE14 pic.twitter.com/BdJsd4AseI
— Tun N (@nazmiii300) May 9, 2018
Azmin Ali's brother, Azwan, is one of his four opponents for the Bukit Antarabangsa state seat. He alleges the Election Commission wrongly labeled ballot boxes this morning so he's calling on them to get their house in order. #GE14 https://t.co/aXif2KfHFC pic.twitter.com/QmcIfuwFPA
— Sumisha Naidu (@SumishaCNA) May 9, 2018
If you find anything suspicious ie. Dots, or whatever on your ballot paper, make sure you tell the pegawai and change to a new one. If they shout at you, shout back to them, that’s your right! #GE14
— nurainie haziqah (@AinieHaziqa) May 9, 2018
Selamat Mengundi Malaysia??
Tarik nafas
Dgn lafaz BismillahhirohmanirrohimPangkah!
Kepada Allah kita berserahSemoga Malaysia terus Aman Maju
Agama Bangsa dan Negara#GE14— infosihat2u© (@infosihat2u) May 9, 2018
BN is throwing money at you like public holidays and no toll charges.
PH is offering you a better future of job opportunities, better standard of living, gender equality.
Don't let short term cash handouts cloud your judgement to build a better tomorrow. Vote wisely.#GE14— WinnieKepala (@winniekepala) May 8, 2018
10 years from now, students will be reading about this #GE14 and its results in their History books. We are the ones that decide on its results. We decide on what they will read in those books. We are making the history of Malaysia.
So fellow Malaysians, decide well. #PRU14
— Archana Vashisht (@archanavjk) May 8, 2018
I may have disappointed my ex, but I aint gonna disappoint my country! #PRU14 #GE14 #voteformalaysia #inked #PakatanHarapan #MalaysiaMemilih pic.twitter.com/BJOgIHblja
— Tharanidaran (@Jaegerbomb94) May 9, 2018
The only difference is the colour #foreveralone #ge14 #pru14 #pulangundi pic.twitter.com/EmrP1qq2ks
— MGAG (@My_MGAG) May 9, 2018
Whoever our leader turns out to be, be it from PH or BN, kita hormat.
Both sides want a better Malaysia and both came up with very appealing approaches.
Make du’a before we slip down our votes tomorrow, may he/she delivers their candidature well to serve the ppl❤️#PRU14
— حَسّنَهٌ (@nur_hassanah_) May 8, 2018
You da real MVPs :') #GE14 #PRU14 #PulangMengundi pic.twitter.com/u70DPp3ykw
— MGAG (@My_MGAG) May 8, 2018
Dear Malaysians,
Today is our day.
Today dictates the future of our nation.Vote well, vote smartly.
Use your brains, not your ego.Selamat Mengundi Semua!#PRU14 pic.twitter.com/IEVjPJeXHd
— Maryam Lje (@Maryam_lje) May 8, 2018
Selamat Mengundi Malaysia! Voting booths have opened nationwide. 14,449,200 voters will cast their vote at 8,253 polling stations. Voting closes at 5pm. Early results are expected at 10pm. #PRU14
— Bhavan Jaipragas 八万 (@jbhavan) May 9, 2018
Jangan ketinggalan sebab download dekat seeNI je senang.